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Ambassadors Tips

8 Social Media Tips You Should Know

If you’re looking to draw attention as a brand ambassador, posting interesting and engaging content is essential.

Be sure to post regularly, and try to mix up the content to keep things interesting. Posting only product photos can be a turn-off for potential followers. Instead, try to show off your personal style and how you incorporate the products into your life. It’s all about sharing your passions.

It would be best if you also made fun content to be engaging. Genuinely post about your experiences with the Imperial Candles and your experiences from your everyday life.

Here are 8 tips to inspire your creative flow.

1. On Instagram, you can do takeovers or host IG lives to showcase the products in use and have people ask questions.

Wax Pods Box

2. A good idea is to do an Unboxing post showcasing the products in use. The WAX POD box is a great starter to discover and share our unique fragrances. You can showcase Imperial Candles fragrances all in one unique experience. Or even better, you can make a series of 10 videos showcasing the 10 wax pods, one at a time.

Wax pods

You can do this with Facebook and Instagram Live or Instagram Reels and Facebook Reels.

Reels are short videos that may be up to 60 seconds long. Reels, like TikTok, provide a set of editing tools that allow users to produce entertaining and engaging videos. Reels can include multiple video clips, filters, captions, interactive backgrounds, stickers, and other features.

3. Post about new products and SALES as soon as they become available. This will keep your followers up-to-date on the latest news. And, to be honest, who doesn’t enjoy a good deal?




4. Post about your experience with Imperial Candles products by showcasing the concept of the candles through an unboxing video or review.

5. Share our Weekly Blog posts with your friends and family on social media. Include a caption mentioning what you like about it and why you’ve chosen to share it. Tag someone in the post who you know would benefit from reading it.


Imperial candles Ambassadors

Btw have you read our blog post called 3 Perfect Gifts Ideas – How to make them feel special and remember your gift forever?

And don’t forget that every time they are on the blog, they are still on your store and if they decide to buy a gift for someone or themselves… guess who will grab the commission on those sales?

6. There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to frequency, as it varies based on the platform. However, posting regularly is key to growing a following and engaging with your audience. So find a posting schedule that works for you and stick to it!

7. Timing is also important when it comes to posting. You’ll want to post when your followers are most active, which you can determine by looking at your analytics. For example, if you notice that most of your followers are active in the evening, that’s probably the best time to post.


Imperial candles Ambassadors

8. Finally, make sure to use hashtags and tagging when you post. This will help your content reach a wider audience and get more people interested in your Imperial Candles Store.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to post regularly and draw attention to your ambassador account. Happy posting!


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Ambassadors Tips

Five Ways to Build Self-Belief

1 – Take a chance on your dreams and dive into success.

As you develop yourself, your self-belief will grow. You’ll be more confident about your accomplishments if you surround yourself with great people. Connect with individuals who believe in you, encourage you, and give you support. What you read, watch, and listen to also significantly impacts how you think. No fluff here! 

Imperial Candles Ambassador Program can help you become an expert and student of success, so you are no longer forced to waste time, and you can start building your dream life right now.

2 – Build your knowledge and make use of it.

Knowledge is power, BUT the way you apply it makes all the difference. Business and personal knowledge may be of no use unless you put them to good use. Make sure you don’t just learn but that you put what you’ve learned into action right now! This will make it easier for you to expand your business and boost your self-esteem simultaneously.

3 – Results help you grow your belief.

As you witness someone getting the expected results and having the ultimate gift experience, you gain confidence in your product. 

And most importantly – stay consistent. You will realize it all pays off once you give it the time and effort to see the results.

4 – Consistency is Key.

It’s the little things you do every day that has the most impact on your personal and professional growth. Learning about your products, posting on social media, sending emails or text messages with updates and promotions will bring you visible results over time.

Taking action immediately will allow you to develop faster.

5 – Perfection is achieved through practice.

This is, without a doubt, the most crucial stage in your business development. Successful people train their skills continuously.

Think of how easy it would be to improve your selling of Imperial Candles if you feel comfortable doing so. Be patient with yourself. Practice makes perfect!


——>If you found this post helpful, I’d be immensely grateful if you could pass it along!

Lastly, leave a comment below! I’d be interested to learn more about you and what you think about this subject!

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Ambassadors Tips

What Is The Job of a Brand Ambassador? 

What Is The Job of a Brand Ambassador? 

Have you ever wondered what a brand ambassador’s job is? 

As an Imperial Candles ambassador, you have the opportunity to make a profit when you share your passion with friends, family, work colleagues, you name it! All you need to do is share your store name. Every time someone buys, you automatically earn 20% in commission and up to 7% in leadership bonuses plus monthly vouchers and prizes for top sellers.

Your next question may be: ”What can I do to become a successful ambassador?” What if I told you that JUST ONE thing separates the successful ones from the rest.

The best thing is, you can use this well-kept secret not only to become a top ambassador and change your lifestyle, but you can take a step further and achieve ANYTHING.

Some of the most renowned people on the planet, such as Michelle Obama, J.K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, and other similar personalities, have one thing in common: A Strong Faith in Their Potential Success.

Imagine meeting any of those individuals in person; such a confident aura would be definitely hard to miss. As obvious as this may seem, you must be able to maintain the confidence that You Can and Will Succeed.

Many successful people started from nothing. Oprah, for instance, grew up in poverty under abuse. But that didn’t stop her from thinking she didn’t have a chance to succeed. She believed she could be great. And you can too!

The belief that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to is what gives you unshakable confidence in your abilities.

Most people struggle to reach their goals only because they have one foot on the ” It’s possible” side and one on the “I’m not good enough” side. The longer you hesitate between the two, the less likely you will grow or build momentum.


Your beliefs will have a massive impact on your success.

Without a positive mindset, you’re unlikely to succeed. Before you can achieve anything, you must believe you are capable of it. 

Successful ambassador mindset

If you wish to build a successful Imperial Candles Business, you need to develop faith in these four areas:

  • A career in direct sales
  • Imperial Candles and the Imperial Candles Ambassador opportunity
  • Your Imperial Candles products

Having this in place is extremely important. Take another look and let it sink in.

Remember, people prefer to do business with someone they know, like, and trust. Nobody wants to deal with someone unclear about what they’re doing or where they’re headed. Your belief in the profession of Direct Sales, Imperial Candles, your products, and YOURSELF will lead you to success and accomplishment.

You are now in a position to influence your situation, which is fantastic. Start working on improving your belief system right now!

If you want to discover 5 Ways to Build Self-Belief click HERE


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Ambassadors Tips

5 Ways To Grow Your Ambassador Team

An effective ambassador team is an extremely potent marketing tool for any ambassador. Still, teams can be challenging to set up and even more so to maintain.  Here are some tried-and-true methods for making the most of your team.

Choosing the right ambassadors is crucial for the growth and success of your team. You may not get a lot of applications from people who want to become ambassadors. It is your job to find the right people. Create a team that is as diverse as possible. This means adding people to your team from different parts of your life, not just your friends. People who know different things will help your team to work better.

It is critical to have a personal relationship with your team to maintain a high work ethic. You can still schedule a quick call or private message whether your team is small or large. It is important to know which ambassadors are reliable and who can manage themselves versus who needs supervision or more help.

The best ambassadors teams know all about the Imperial Candles. Before they start promoting, be sure you have all the information they’ll need. Organize frequent meetings to make sure everyone is up to date.

There are many ways to keep your team engaged. You can hold meetings regularly with all members. You can take polls on social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook, text message team members, or even send them emails.
It is important to do this on a personal level – make sure everyone in the group is engaged, not just one person who is handling everything for you.

An open line of communication between ambassadors and yourself will keep your ambassador team alive. Sometimes just saying “Thank you” is enough to make them feel appreciated and continue working with you.

This process may require more of your energy, time, and resources, but the rewards will far outweigh any costs. An effective ambassador team will provide you with an opportunity for personal and financial growth.

To your success,

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Ambassadors Tips

Facebook Group Best Practices for Ambassadors

Social selling is an art, not a science. Utilize these best practices to gain insight into your target audience and create meaningful relationships that can lead to sales down the road!
You might not be so skilled at social media right out of the gate – don’t worry. Take some time before diving headfirst into online conversations on platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn page for starters (and yes I am aware of how boring it sounds).

This will allow you more opportunities to connect with people who share similar interests. While also learning what does NOT work when trying to convince another individual about something they already disagree with.

Creating a Facebook group of your own is one of the best ways to get a feel for how social media works and what thoughts and opinions really resonate with your target audience.

A Facebook group is essentially an online forum where members are invited to discuss common interests, problems, or anything in between. The advantage of creating your own group is that it allows you to have more direct contact with members who are already interested in what your business offers.

photo source: Facebook

After setting up your FB group the first step is to brainstorm a few topics of discussion that you think will be interesting for potential members. You can even go as far as to create a questionnaire and publish it on the wall of your newly created group, asking for feedback from those who sign up.
This way you can get a good feel for what people are interested in and craft your group accordingly.

Facebook Group Best Practices for Ambassadors
1. Listen
2. Engage
3. Provide Value
4. Be Available
5. Connect
6. Join and Participate
7. Share your passion for our candles
8. Share photos
9. Share promotions


1) Listen:
The first and most important thing to remember as an ambassador is to be there for your members. You must be able to listen well and hear what they need.

You should never assume that you know everything because people will always be coming to you to ask questions, provide feedback, and address concerns. Put yourself in their shoes. Perhaps you are new to the group or a newer candle consumer, and you have a question that the other members will want to hear. This is your moment to shine by showing them how awesome you are as a candle enthusiast! Take it from me, they will love you and be glad that they reached out to you.


2) Engage:
There is nothing more frustrating than posting something to a Facebook Group page and having it go without responses. It is even worse when you comment on a post and it clearly states that no one has commented. That is your time to shine as an ambassador!

If you see an unresponded post, also in our group, please reach out and start a conversation by offering advice, asking questions, providing feedback, or even just welcoming them to the community. You may be the one that helps encourage them to stick around and not give up on our group! This is what will make you a great ambassador and member of our Facebook Group Page and earn badges and perks.
At the end of this month, we all will vote for the “Ambassador of the Month”. More about this in a future blog.


3) Provide Value:
This is something that you should always be doing as an ambassador, but we will also give you some opportunities to do this more frequently.

Something as simple as a weather update, traffic condition, or even the day’s specials at your favorite store will be helpful. We trust you to be able to provide this value, and we hope that your group members will appreciate it as well.


4) Be Available:
One of the most important things as an ambassador is to simply be available.
We want to encourage ambassadors to always have their phone close by. This will allow you to check your Facebook Group Page quickly and respond to posts so that no one feels ignored!


5) Connect:
Another thing that you should be doing is connecting with other members! This is your opportunity to provide value to the group and build relationships with your fellow candle lovers!

There are many ways that you can do this, but I will share a few that we have seen work well recently. First, if you come across someone who is new to the group or just a newer candle user, please welcome them to the group and offer your assistance.

If they have a question or concern, see if you can help with it. This is also a great opportunity to help them out by answering questions or providing advice. We have seen ambassadors introduce themselves, welcome the new users, and then provide content that will be valuable to them.

You will always want to ask those you connect with if they have a question or concern before moving on to another conversation. A great way to do this is by saying something along the lines of ” Do you have any questions for me?”
This allows them to feel comfortable approaching you with anything that they may need help with or any concerns that they may have. This is the best way to engage with others and connect with them!


6) Join and Participate:
Not only are you an ambassador, but you are also a member of our Facebook Group! You must join the group to become an ambassador, and we want everyone to join and actively participate as a member. This allows you to engage with others outside of comments on our posts, which is where we try to keep the comments section focused.

You may have noticed that we have recently been changing our post titles to a “conversation starter.”
This is because we want this to be a place for our members to have conversations outside of the brand posts, and we would like everyone in the group to feel welcome to do this. Some examples of good conversation starters are questions like “Are you a candle lover? How many candles do you have in your collection?” This gives everyone an opportunity to share something about themselves, and others can interact with them by replying.

Another way to join and participate in the group is by messaging members. Be mindful when messaging though! We want you to add value to your messages, not just spam people with messages to get support. A great way to do this is by offering to help with lighting if someone is new to candles or suggesting some new scents that they might like based on the types of candles they already have.

Lastly, it is really helpful if you can post photos. This allows others to see what your candles look like and what you are doing with them. This also gives people ideas of how they can use their candles, which is always a great way to engage with others!


7) Be Available:

You can always go into the group to check for messages you may have received, and you can message others talking about something specific. This is a great way for you to get involved with the conversations that are happening.

Occasionally, there will be times where you will want to talk about Imperial Candles and your love for them! This is okay, and we would really appreciate that, as we wish every ambassador will support our brand! However, we also want you to focus on providing value and listening.


8) Share photos:
This is something that we really appreciate seeing! When you are using your candles, be sure to share photos of them on your social media pages.
We would also love to see photos of how you display your candles, what they look like in different settings, and if you are using any candle accessories with them!
If you don’t have photos of your own you can easily download them here:

My Resources


9) Share Promotions:
We will often post in the group promotions, new releases, and coupons so it is important that you check in regularly to see if there is anything new that you would like to share on your own group!


If you are ever unsure of anything, please feel free to message us.
We are here to help!

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Ambassadors Tips

7 Tips for Highly Effective Ambassadors

7 Tips for Highly Effective Ambassadors

1. Be passionate and enthusiastic 

Showing a real passion and enthusiasm for the products is key – people love to hear stories. 

Tell them why you love Imperial Candles products. Do you love revealing the beautiful jewel hidden inside the scented candles? Or perhaps you love the fact that all our candles are hand-poured using natural soy wax? 

Top Tip: The best salespeople talk honestly about personal experience with the products by highlighting their benefits. Don’t forget to tell your customer about your favorite ones. 


2. Always be prepared 

A sale can happen anywhere. 

At the train station, at work, at a party, or even while you’re out shopping – the list is endless. 

You never know when the next opportunity may arise to talk about your business. 

Top Tip: Be sure to leave your contact details on any materials so people can easily get in contact with you. 

Imperial candles ambassadors


3. Understand customers’ needs 

Understanding your customers’ needs is very important, especially in face-to-face sales. 

Hold back the urge to give an Oscar-winning speech on how great your business is and why they should buy from you. 

People don’t like to be bombarded with lots of information. It’s highly annoying and will likely cost you a sale. Remember, business is a two-way dialogue. 

Instead, initiate conversation and listen carefully. The way in which they begin to ask you about your offering will determine how you respond. 

For a better understanding of your customer’s behaviors, below you have the three types of approaches explained:


  • Auditory learner 

If someone asks you to tell them about your product, this indicates that they would like to be given information. So go ahead and talk about the benefits of the products (high quality, no animal testing, variety of scents available, etc.). 

  • Visual learner 

What if the customer wants to see the product? That’s right, you should show them what you are offering. Brochures and leaflets come in handy too. 

  • Kinesthetic Learner 

Finally, if someone asks if they can smell the product, you guessed it, they would prefer to check the product out for themselves. Hand over the product and let the customer feel, touch, and smell the product. 

Top Tip: Next time you are in a face-to-face sales position, really listen to their questions. Take a few seconds to think about whether they would prefer to hear, see or touch the product and use this to your advantage. 

Selling tips for Ambassadors

4. Find your USP (unique selling point) 

You will need to think about how you can add extra value to your Imperial Candles business and set yourself apart from others. Take a few minutes to ask yourself the following question: 

Why should people buy products from my business rather than someone else’s? 

Do you have excellent customer service skills? Maybe your product knowledge is second to none? Could it be your likability? What about your Imperial Candle Diamond Status? Could this impress your customers? 

Top Tip: Relate to your customer and make sure to add your personal touch to any one of their orders. Maybe you can add a ‘Thank You’ card next time you personally send out a customer’s parcel, or why not some freebies. 


5. Know your products (inside out and back to front) 

Product knowledge is crucial. 

Customers will see you as the face of Imperial Candles, and rightly so. 

After all, you are the one selling the products. 

It’s important to demonstrate your products in the best way by making recommendations and answering any customer queries. 

Let’s take a moment to reflect. 

If a customer asked you, ‘What does the I Love You candle smell like?’ would you be able to answer?   

If the answer is no, you should probably go and brush up on your product knowledge. Armed with the correct information, you will have better success selling your products. 

Top Tip: Start by purchasing the wax melts and familiarizing yourself with the fragrance range. 

Know Your Product Imperial Candles

6. Don’t be pushy 

Not every product pitch has to end with a sale. Sometimes the time just isn’t right. Or the product isn’t right for that person. Don’t take it personally. There are hundreds of eager people willing to purchase. You just haven’t met them yet. And remember, if you leave a good impression with someone, they might just go on to buy at a later date. 

Top Tip: Being authentic and genuine will make a difference in creating long-lasting relationships with your customers. People will always tend to place an order when they don’t feel like they are manipulated into making a purchase. 

7 Tips for Highly Effective Ambassadors

7. Love what you do 

Last but not least, have fun and enjoy what you do. As the late Steve Jobs quite rightly said… “the only way to do great work is to love what you do”.



Are you still reading?

Glad you have arrived so far. 

I’m curious to find out if you already use all these strategies or if any tips resonated more than the others.

And if you have any secret strategy that you want to share, feel free to leave a comment below.


Do you have any particular struggle that you’d like to know how to overcome, perhaps Public Speaking or Social Media? Leave a comment below, and I will post a Simple, Easy, and Effective (S.E.E.) action plan as soon as possible.

Ambassadors Tips

F.R.I.E.N.D.S. list

Have you ever heard about the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. list?
If not, keep reading because this is one of those powerful frameworks that will help you to start bringing in those sexy sales 🙂

In his book 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey named his 7th chapter: Sharpening The Saw.
He uses the metaphor of the woodcutter who is sawing for several days straight and becoming less and less productive.

Sometimes excited new ambassadors tend to speak to everyone they meet about the candles. However, shortly after, they have no idea to whom they talked already and to whom they still need to present this amazing opportunity.
Because they don’t have a list.

Ready to become a successful and prepared ambassador?
Let’s start!

F.R.I.E.N.D.S. list stands for:

Dads & Mums
Sports Teams

Friends: People you class as friends – People you work with / Your partner’s friends

Relatives: Your family. Who would you invite to your big birthday party or wedding?

Internet: What connections have you made socially on the internet? Look through all your connections on all of your social media accounts.

Email: Look through all of the email addresses stored in your email accounts. Check all of your different accounts.

Neighbors: Neighbors that you have now and have had over time. Look at the whole area, not just next door to you.

Dads & Mums: Parents of children who go to the same school, nursery, or out of school activities

Sports Teams: Anyone that you play a sport with or an activity. Anyone who attends sports teams with your children.

If all the above make sense, you can use the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. formula to compile a list of your contacts.
If you have any questions, don’t be shy and reply to this email.

If you have no questions, then join our challenge; it’s fun and profitable!
Today’s challenge will be to put at least 10 possible clients for each section.

Friends: 10
Relatives: 10
Internet: 10
Email: 10
Neighbors: 10
Dads & Mums: 10
Sports Teams: 10

Have you managed it?
If so, congratulations, as you now have at least 70 leads that can transform into your next super satisfied clients.
Some of them will might join your Ambassador Team as well.

I hope you have enjoyed this organizational hack and find it helpful; if not, please let me know how I can help you more in Your Success Journey.

Your feedback means the world to me, and I will appreciate your feedback and further questions.
So don’t be a stranger and hit that comment button.

Dedicated to your success,